RE: One of Sasha's great ideas....

From: Alejandro Dubrovsky (
Date: Thu May 11 2000 - 23:03:32 MDT

> There would be a "membership" link off of the main
> page. People could go to this page and after
> logging in, check their membership status and update their personal
> information. This would include information like interrests, areas of
> expertise, extropian activities completed.... Everyone could specify
> the level of privacy for all data fields in their own DB file with the
> following proposed values:
> 10 private
> 20 Friends
> 30 Extropy Advisors
> 40 Paid up (active) members Only
> 50 Any members
> 60 Public

sounds good

> CREATE TABLE member (
> first CHAR(25),
> middle CHAR(25),
> last CHAR(25),
> address1 CHAR(25),
> address2 CHAR(25),
> city CHAR(25),
> state CHAR(25),
> country CHAR(25),
> postal CHAR(25),
> email CHAR(50),
> url VARCHAR(255),
> userid CHAR(16),
> password CHAR(16),
> joined DATE
> );
i would add phone (char 30?)
why the need for the two address fields?

regarding the interests table, i'll quote and edit from my previous message
on the matter:
I = identity
N = Not null

Interest's table
Interest id - N I (INT)
Name - N (char 20?)
Description (varchar 255)

Member's Interest Tabe
Member ID - N I (INT) (linked to members table) -\ Joint Identity

Interest ID - N I (INT) ( linked to interests table) -/

Interests Relationship table
InterestParent ID - N I (INT) (both linked to interest table) -\ Joint
InterestChild ID - N I (INT) -/

Interests linked in a hierarchical many to many so that you can get to a
specific interest through many paths
(eg Nanotech investment through Nanotech -> Nanotech Investment and
through Investment->Nanotech Investment)

> Anyway, this is what I have so far. This is what I'm working
> towards. If anyone else is interrested in helping out with such a
> project, some jsp programming, html page layout development, or even
> if only with some suggestions on how better to precede (perhaps there
> is a better way than MySQL and java server pages?), please notify me.
what other software is available? (php3? python?)

Alejandro Dubrovsky

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