Re: Transparent society

Date: Thu May 11 2000 - 16:20:48 MDT

    This is what on the face of it seems a cut and dry issue. Criminals want
to hide and the law abiding citizen has no need to fear constant survailence.
    Im not convinced either way. I have been thinking about Transparency in
one form another for several years and my viewpoint has swayed from For to
Against many times.
    My current mindset is that in general survailence is primarily good, but
I still have reservations. I would like the peace of mind that if we are
under constant scrutiny that this will in someway make me feel safer. Why
would i need to worry about being mugged if a potentail assailent knew his
actions would be monitored and therefor he has a high risk of being caught.
He is likely not to bother as the risk will be too great. likewise
Burgulars,Car Theives and many other criminals. But then there is still the
"Complete Nutter" who would happily stab you if front of 1000 people so
survailence is not likey to stop this breed of people.
    I know for sure that In certain circumstances I would not like my every
move to be monitored. I don't like the idea that survailence monitoring
personel might be sitting there laughing and calling over their colegues to
watch me scratch my arse or worse !. Or that a tape of my actions could be
circulating giving people a good laugh.
    I can see that with out a doubt the system will be missused. Im sure that
market researchers would pay the earth to monitor consumer and really see
what Joe average gets up to in his everyday life.

    On a slightly different note but very related. One thing I have thought
about considerably is the Tagging of the general population. By this you have
probably guessed I mean Subcutanious Data transmitters giving the identity
and location of any individual.
    I can see Incredible potential for devices like these. Imagine a scenario
where someone is lost in mountainous terrain, Under an avalanche, at sea, in
the desert, missing children etc etc . No doubt if this system was ever
developed the data would be saved, this would be an exceptional crime
fighting tool. No more false allabies. You could keep constant track off
prisoners and people on parole. Obviously these devices could be tampered
with or removed so doing either would probably be a criminal offence.

    Anyway, i've rambled enough. Please forgive the bad spelling, i'm a bit
dickslexgick !
    and its too late in the day to worry. I'll be the first to sign up for a
spelling chip when they are invented.


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