Fwd: TransOrbital Lunar Project

From: Paul Hughes (paul@planetp.cc)
Date: Wed May 10 2000 - 20:42:05 MDT

I just received this in my mailbox:

> TransOrbital Offers the 1st Commercial Spaceflight to the Moon
> A Project Participation Opportunity with a For-Profit Space Venture
> Solicitation of Interest
> Not only will the 2001 TrailBlazer Project be the first commercial
> spaceflight to the Moon; it will also return the first video from the Moon
> in thirty years. The video will be of very high quality and digitally
> enhanced, showing the lunar surface details as has never been seen before.
> The entire Project is intended to cost a small fraction of what it would
> cost NASA to complete a similar project.
> TransOrbital Inc. has developed a low-cost, video spacecraft project for
> lunar orbit. TransOrbital's commercially funded robotic spacecraft, 2001
> TrailBlazer, will return HDTV video from lunar orbit for use as Internet
> content and other commercial products. The privately held company has
> already arranged for a launch aboard the "Strela" launch vehicle. The 2001
> TrailBlazer Project is a for-profit Space Venture and will produce
> high-quality video and other products such as:
> The first advertising opportunity in lunar orbit
> Video with lunar background showing corporate logos on a sub-spacecraft
> Earthrise 2001: A defining video image for the New Millennium
> Final de-orbit video, up to moment of impact
> An atlas of the entire lunar surface for students & planetary scientists
> High-resolution aerial photography of pre-targeted sites on the Moon
> Low-altitude, high-speed video, for Hollywood science-fiction movies footage
> The first deep space email service, from lunar orbit
> Interactive Lunar Flight CD-ROM game made from the photography
> The photos from lunar orbit will be very high resolution, utilizing a
> telescope with an HDTV camera. "We expect to be able to see the tire
> tracks from the Apollo-era rovers."
> Excellent Website and Portal Content
> "We want to do for the Moon what Jacques Cousteau did for marine
> exploration, to go, to see, sell the images as content and repeat it again
> and again." The Project will provide exceptional long-term content for
> TransOrbital customers' Internet portals during construction of the
> spacecraft, the launch, and throughout the spaceflight to the Moon. This
> exciting Project can propel customers' portals to the forefront of the Web,
> as the premiere sites for content, education and news about space and the
> Moon. The spacecraft will also provide small cargo delivery service for
> relics and personal & business cards, to a hard landing on the lunar
> surface.
> The Project will be fully insured against launch and technical failure,
> assuring the return of deposits in the event of disaster, a welcome
> feature incorporated into TransOrbital's business plan. TransOrbital is
> seeking additional associates and customers for products created during
> the 2001 TrailBlazer Project.
> Point of Contact:
> Gregory Nemitz
> VP, TransOrbital, Inc.
> 3672-A Bancroft St.
> San Diego, CA 92104
> Tel: 619-528-0520
> Fax: 619-693-3039
> gnemitz@transorbital.net
> http://www.transorbital.net

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