Re: Blame ZOG for ILOVEYOU

From: Doug Jones (
Date: Tue May 09 2000 - 09:08:02 MDT

Technotranscendence wrote:
> On Monday, May 08, 2000 6:27 PM S.J. Van Sickle wrote:
> > On Mon, 8 May 2000, Technotranscendence wrote:
> >
> > > Just kidding.:)
> >
> > ...and not funny.
> Actually, I did not write that. A friend of mine, who will remain
> anonymous, sent it from my account. (He should subscribe himself if he
> wants to send messages to this list.)
> And, I agree, with S.J., it is not funny -- as well as in poor taste.
> (I was also largely ignoring the "Blame Gates" thread -- deleting all of its
> messages, until I saw the acronym "ZOG" and my address attached to it.:@)
> Cheers!

Maybe I'm just not keeping up with current events, but who or what the
heck is ZOG? Albania, maybe? Idle curiosity only...

Doug Jones
Rocket Plumber, XCOR Aerospace

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