Re: law enforcement for profit

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Mon May 08 2000 - 20:44:47 MDT

On Mon, 8 May 2000, Spike Jones wrote:

> Ruthanna R Gordon wrote:
> > (It also says, if I'm going to be honest, that perhaps I think
> > Lockheed-Martin ought to buy their surveilance photos from private Russian
> > satelite owners, same as the rest of us...
> LM has its own commercial imaging satellites. We need not buy
> them from the commies... {8^D

Ooooppppssss, Spike, you mean the Cubans and North Korean's I presume...
I suppose you could consider China communist, but that rope is slipping.

I'm also unsure whether these are private (wholly) Russian satellite owners.
Press releases I've seen indicate the companies are European or U.S. based,
though they may be renting Russian satellite time.

> > However, I am against the public
> > surveilance that is already in place as well, with the exception of very
> > limited things like the cameras that focus on ATM keypads.
> Can you think of *any* other places where you *want* cameras?
> Just having cameras at the ATM prevents or greatly reduces the
> probability of someone from robbing you, does it not? spike

Well, if Spike has the standard deviation from the norm of experiences
he suggested in a previous message, I know where *I'd* like a camera...
Perhaps Steve Martin's "Wild N Crazy Guy" has taken possession of Spike?!?
I mean, who is the only person on the list who has actually been *trying*
to attach little cameras to little aircraft?

You gotta wonder.


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