Re: Working Within the System

From: \[ Robert-Coyote \] (
Date: Mon May 08 2000 - 10:55:58 MDT

Said: "I have a limited amount of money. Since I don't have to pay for the
software, I can use that money to upgrade my hardware instead..."

Linux aint' free !
Not if you factor the amount of time and mental bandwidth (property)
required to install and implement Linux on a box, as all versions of Linux
do not work "out of the box" and require allot of tweaking and customizing
to make them run properly, not considering securing yer' box
Once SOMEONE makes a Linux distro that works out of the box, (mandrake is
close but very buggy) then Linux 'aint free.

I do not want to become a auto mechanic to drive the car, I just want to
drive it.

I wish it was, because I like many aspects of it

It appears as if Emlyn (pentacle) wrote about link

|The link below is to an article by a senior Kylix team member; they are
|moving Delphi & C++ Builder (notable Windows development environment tools)
|to Linux, and providing me with the infrastructure to reach my evil
|tentacles into KPJ's Linux-brain-of-purity-and-love.


My reasons for preferring Linux over MS-Windows work for me,
not necessarily for anybody else.

My points for preferring Linux over MS-Windows:

   o I want full control over the programs in my cybernetic parts.
        If they don't do what I want, I can rewrite them to do what I want.
        I find reprogramming much easier having the source code available. 6-]

   o I have a limited amount of money.
        Since I don't have to pay for the software, I can use that money to
        upgrade my hardware instead.

   o Most of the MIT cyborgs use Linux, so I can re-use their software.

As you might appreciate, my reasons for preferring Linux need not be yours.
And vice versa.

"People don't buy Microsoft for quality, they buy it for compatibility
  with what Bob in accounting bought last year. Trace it back - they buy
  Microsoft because the IBM Selectric didn't suck much."
        -- P Seebach, alt.folklore.computers

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