Re: Can I kill a Copy? (long)

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Thu May 04 2000 - 22:06:40 MDT

>From: "Harvey Newstrom" <>
>"Zero Powers" <> wrote

> > Killing a sentient being, whether an identical twin, an exact replica of
> > or even a sentient computer, should be a crime. If it is sentient (and
> > perhaps even if it is not) it has rights, first and foremost to life. I
> > realize the thrust of your post wasn't exactly "when is it OK to murder
> > sentient being?" But you did seem to believe its OK for you to do away
> > an intelligent being, so long as the intelligent being is an exact
> > of you. Those on the list who feel that way, may want to try putting
> > themselves in the shoes of the replica and imagining how they'd feel
> > such a policy.
>Just to clarify, I was arguing *against* that belief. I restated the
>to recap what I had heard here on the list.

Oops. Guess I haven't quite got the hang of that Evelyn Wood course yet ;)


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