RE: >should Extropianism have an Anthem?

From: Ziana Astralos (
Date: Tue Apr 25 2000 - 20:06:27 MDT

--- "White, Ryan" <> wrote:
> Unbelievable. I did not imagine there would be
> industrial music fans onthis list. The extropians
> surprise me again.

I was rather amazed also! And Marylin Manson fans as
well!! :)

> I vote for FLA's plasticity.

I like that'n too. I like all the FLA stuff. Among
other things :) I have *tons* of bands I like (...and
hundreds of CDs I want, with no money to buy them,
lol) :)

> Ziana, James, do you know VnV Nation?

Yep, I like them also!

| Ziana Astralos |
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| P+ L W+++ N+ w+ M-- PS+++ PE Y+ |
| PGP-- t+ 5++ X R tv+ b+++ DI++++ |
| D+ G++ e- h!>++ !r y- |

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