Fw: 100 ft tall Tetris game at Brown University

From: Gina Miller (nanogirl@halcyon.com)
Date: Sat Apr 22 2000 - 15:40:55 MDT

From: "David Farber" <farber@cis.upenn.edu>

> >
> >Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 10:58:04 -0400
> >To: farber@cis.upenn.edu
> >From: Timothy Barmann <tim@cybertalk.com>
> >Subject: 100 ft tall Tetris game at Brown University
> >
> >Dave,
> >
> >Thought IP readers would enjoy this. Complete
> >article is at
> >
> >Tim
> >
> >
> >4.20.2000 00:03:33
> >Ultimate Tetris: `really cool'
> >Journal Staff Writer
> >
> >They're playing games at Brown University -- in a big way.
> >
> >A group of computer science and engineering students have
> >constructed a massive computer game 100 feet tall, out of
> >Christmas tree lights, homemade circuit boards, and
> >thousands of feet of cable.
> >
> >For the past several nights, the students have turned the
> >Sciences Library building on the Brown campus into a giant
> >video display screen so they could play a game called Tetris.
> >
> >The students believe it is the largest fully functional Tetris
> >game in the world.
> >
> >``We completely agreed it would be a really cool thing to
> >do,'' said Soren Spies, a Brown senior computer science and
> >electrical engineering major, and a leader of the project.
> >
> >Cool indeed. Since the project went live Friday night, it has
> >garnered worldwide attention. Some 25,000 visitors have
> >come to their Web site , Spies said, and he has fielded calls
> >from the Sunday Times of London, Time magazine and the
> >Discovery Channel Canada.
> >
> >The Web site address is:
> >
> >http://bastilleweb.techhouse.org
> >
> >Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple Computer, and a
> >self-described Tetris master, flew to Providence yesterday
> >from his Los Gatos, Calif., home just to see the installation.
> >
> >``When I tell people that I'm off to Rhode Island to play
> >Tetris, people think that I'm stupid,'' Wozniak said in an
> >e-mail exchange with a reporter from his plane yesterday
> >afternoon. ``I'm not stupid, just crazy.''
> >
> >--- SNIP ---
> >
> >
> >--Timothy Barmann
> > Technology Writer
> > The Providence Journal
> > 75 Fountain St.
> > Providence, RI 02902
> > 401-277-7369
> > tim@cybertalk.com

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