Re: Smart Guns

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Tue Apr 18 2000 - 14:57:31 MDT

Joe Dees wrote:

> >Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 23:33:42 -0400
> >From: "Michael S. Lorrey" <>
> >To:
> >Subject: Re: Smart Guns
> >Reply-To:
> >
> >Joe Dees wrote:
> >> >
> >> I have an idea of my own; those who wish to buy guns who prove themselves too dense to lock them up when kids are in the house forfeit their right to keep and bear. We are losing twelve kids a day (and no, Mike, this is not your favorite under-25 fiction, but under 16 - source, ABC news (World News Yonight, just on today)) to accidental shootings by either themselves or other kids. That's waaay too many (4380 per year)
> >
> >I say:
> >This is an absolute lie on the part of ABC (and you by association).
> >They get their numbers from HCI but have not checked what HCI means by
> >'children'. The total accidental shootings for all age groups is
> >actually less than 2500, so the ABC numbers are way off. HCI's numbers
> >ARE based on a 25 and under definition, and DO count homicides, not just
> >'accidental' shootings.
> >
> Your standard method of dealing with uncomfortable (to you) truths.

I've cited plenty of sources that counter your allegations. You cite your recollection of an ABC broadcast that offers no accountable statistical reference for this assertion. Show your references...or concede the point.

Mike Lorrey

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