Re: smart gun

From: Waldemar Ingdahl (
Date: Sun Apr 16 2000 - 09:08:53 MDT

>From: ""<>
>Subject: Re: smart gun
>Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2000 09:35:41 +0200
>About smart guns.
>Let me say something happening in Italy.
>We have very very restrictive laws about guns.

Yes, but luckily Italians don't comply to the laws. If they did Italy would
be a dictatorship;-)

OK, this is the eternal gun discussion on the extropy- list, but I think it
poses important questions about the civil society (outside the state). In
northen Italy it has worked quite well, building up good institutions-
that's why northen Italy has been so successful (Lombardy is the richest
part of Europe), but in southern Italy it hasn't, it produced the Mafia, the
Camorra, and the N'drangheta.

How can a good civil society be made by the people?

>We have, also, the first patented electronic smart gun device
>(about 1950!).
>But hundreds of Albanians (and some other east people) invade
>our country, daily, from Adriatic sea.
>We can not stop them, peacefully.
>And they are carrying kalashnikovs guns, bombs, etc.

Unfortunately, Italy isn't a very generous country when it comes to letting
fugitives in, so the enter illegaly. That only benefits the Mafia, open up
the country, as Italy has been in the past.

Waldemar Ingdahl
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