Re: Further proof the world has gone mad....

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Wed Apr 12 2000 - 00:34:06 MDT

>From: "David Lubkin" <>
>I don't want to trigger another dog-chasing-its-tail argument about the
>Amendment, but I thought you'd enjoy? hearing about the latest lunacy in
>schools' policy of zero tolerance for bringing weapons to school:
> Sayreville, New Jersey (Reuters) -- Admittedly cautious after last
> Columbine High School massacre and a rash of other school shootings,
> suspended four New Jersey kindergarten children for pointing fingers
>at each
> other as mock guns in an apparent game of "cops and robbers." The
> boys were suspended for three days after the March 15 incident during
> recess in the playground at Wilson School in Sayreville. Dennis
> assistant superintendent for the Sayreville School District, said the
> involved serious threats but he refused to disclose details.

Well you can't be too careful, ya know. My 5 year old kid was pointing his
finger/gun at me one time and almost poked my right in the eye ;)


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