New meta portal offering to list links to life-extension, health & cryonics sites.

From: Trygve B. Bauge (
Date: Mon Apr 03 2000 - 07:03:33 MDT

I have set up a new web portal.
Trygve's Meta Portal.
So far I have links to 2500 search engines, 2800 radio stations & 5150 news
papers around the world.

However the focus of the portal will be on Life-extension.
Thus I have set up menus dedicated to the task of listing links to
life-extension sites,
including health & cryonics sites.
If anyone wants me to add a link to their site, please submit the
appropriate link
to me


Trygve Bauge.

Ps. If you know of any good life-extension/cryonics/health site I ought to
add a link to, please let me know. Thanks.

Feel free to forward this request to news groups and mailing lists.

Life-Extension Systems, the Norwegian Icebathing Assoc. & Action 88.
To borrow a VHS presentation of my work, send $50 to Trygve Bauge
c/o Aksjon 88, Pb. 59 Hovseter, 0705 Oslo, Norway,Ph 47-2214-8078

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