Re: it was all a gag

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Sat Apr 01 2000 - 20:16:45 MST

>From: Spike Jones <>
>That big Stanford schmooze with Hofstadter, Morovek, Ralph,
>all the other dignitaries, it was all a huge elaborate April Fools
>gag. Bunch of us nerds showed up, some weasley undergrad
>April Fooled us, told us we were all skepticism challenged, then
>escaped before we could lynch him. spike

That was pretty damn malicious! I was going to ditch my family and fly in
just for that event, but changed my mind when they announced that it was
going to be web cast a couple days later. Strange what some a**holes think
is funny.


"We won't be fooled again!!"
--The Who
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