Re: Spike is kin to those Hatfields!

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Fri Mar 31 2000 - 06:48:31 MST

Spike Jones wrote:
> > Michael S. Lorrey wrote: I'm ALWAYS thinking about money...
> Ja me too. This just came over my webcrawler today. I had no idea...
> Metropolitan Police report red-light violations have dropped 60 percent at
> District of Columbia intersections where cameras designed to capture
> lawbreaking drivers on film have been installed. The program has been such a
> success that Police Chief Charles H. Ramsey is expanding the operation with at
> least 20 new red-light cameras and the installation of cameras that detect
> speeders. "These programs are helping us improve traffic safety, while bringing
> in new revenue for the District," Chief Ramsey told the D.C. Council. Through
> the end of February, the city has collected more than $2.4 million in fines.
> Violators get a ticket in the mail for the indiscretion, at a cost of $75 a ticket
> plus two points on their license. Police officials said the highly automated
> system makes issuing the red-light violations easier, alerts distracted drivers
> more promptly and, apparently, serves as an effective deterrent. The firm
> handling the equipment, Lockheed Martin IMS, has installed 36 cameras at
> intersections throughout the city. Six more are pending, and Chief Ramsey
> wants to add 20 more after that. Lockheed makes about $26 from every ticket
> that is paid, and the city does not pay any money up front. The company
> controls the entire process, from installing the cameras to sending out the
> tickets. (Washington Times)

All this indicates is that red light offenders are habitual offenders.
Its known that 90% of crime is committed by less than a few percent of
the population. Confiscating the rights of all in order to control a few
is anathema to liberty and the individual.

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