Re: Spike is kin to those Hatfields!

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Thu Mar 30 2000 - 16:42:25 MST

john grigg wrote:

> Spike wrote:
> John, heres a kick for you: I'm a direct descendant of the Hatfields.
> (end)
> Wow! A Hatfield descendant! And Mike must have some McCoy blood in him! ;)

Nah, Clan Gordon on paternal granpops side, Clan Campbell on maternal grandpops
side, the Hapsburgs on paternal granma's side (through Princess Estelle Marie of
Modena), and the Strom's on the swedish side through maternal granma (dont know
much about the swedish side of the family).

> There is actually a pc game where you can choose your side in that feud
> and fight it out. lol!
> Spike wrote:
> {8^DI have nothing against Mike, dont even want to spy on him. But it
> *would* be cool to try to program a wasp to carry a tiny camera.
> (end)
> Mike, buy a bunch of bug zappers and have them ring your property! Now, you
> know what Spike is going to do next! :)

I better get a batch of DDT whipped up....

> And good thinking on how to financially exploit UFOmania and get rich!

I'm ALWAYS thinking about money...

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