claims of being the 'real you' in regards to making copies of human beings

From: john grigg (
Date: Thu Mar 30 2000 - 14:25:29 MST

Eliezer wrote:
If the informational equality is perfect - i.e., with margins of error
substantially below the ordinary "noise level" of the brain's computational
environment - then both sets of atoms have an equally strong claim to being
the "real you". They are both the original. They are both copies. The atoms
are irrelevant.

This is the classic identity question that someone like Max More would be so
good at addressing. I understand what you mean when you say they are 'both'
the original in terms of fully being that person
in every way.

The cultural, legal and sociological questions here are what could make the
head spin. How does the perfect copy deal with memories of beloved
relatives that may spurn him or her? Should the copy have the right to
legally claim half of the financial resources of the person who was the
original template? Time for a divorce? lol! What mechanisms would society
put into place to make sure this technology and the people spawned from it
would not be abused? And finally, how would Eliezer #1 get along with
Eliezer #2? ;)

best wishes,

John Grigg
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