Re: Transhuman fascists?

From: KPJ (
Date: Tue Mar 28 2000 - 04:47:41 MST

It appears as if Zero Powers <> wrote:
|My guess is that Michael thinks I'm a fascist because I am in favor of gun
|control and ubiquitous transparancy.

The "ubiquitous transparancy" will _not_ appear suddenly.
Instead, those who consider themselves the rulers of various areas of the
planet will make sure that _they_ get the surveillance to control the others,
and prohibiting the others from using the surveillance against them.

In short, you get a dictatorship in which those with the big guns get to
snoop on those with smaller (or no) guns.

Since you also advocate gun control (meaning those with the big guns get
to disarm those with smaller guns), you advocate that those who consider
themselves the rulers (a) get to snoop on everybody else, (b) one cannot
use weapons to overthrow them, and (c) you cannot find out what they do.
In short, you get a dictatorship which make the old ones, SSSR, Mainland
China, and Nazi Germany look like democratic societies in comparison.

Power corrupts, so why give the power brokers more of it?

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