Re: _Mission to Mars_

From: Technotranscendence (
Date: Mon Mar 27 2000 - 09:00:29 MST

On Sunday, March 26, 2000 10:10 PM Michael S. Lorrey
> > I thought "eXistenZ" was better than "13th Floor," but both were more
> > believable than "The Matrix." The last, however, had the best effects
> > once I got past the stupid premise, it was okay, if a little
> > I'd still like to know what would've happened if he took BOTH pills.:)
> And considering that The Matrix won three oscars tonite, it seems to
> have won the contest of whose memes got spread best.

If that were the only way of judging things... McDonald's beats a healthy
diet in the short run too.:)

But seriously, the indicator for which ideas got out there is not the
Academy Awards, but box office receipts. "The Matrix" definitely won hands
down there. However, people I know who actually see all three, usually pick
"13th Floor" -- finding "The Matrix" thin on acting and the premiss flawed
and "eXistenZ" too much like a video game.

I guess, too, one has to think long term. "The Matrix" will probably have a
lasting effect. I bet it will pop up in "The Simpsons" -- if it hasn't
already -- and the special effects, hopefully, will be duplicated in other
films. However, one never knows. The other two might get a following, just
as "The Arrival" has its -- even though "Independence Day" beat it at the
box office.

Daniel Ust

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