Re: Transhuman fascists?

From: Dan Fabulich (
Date: Mon Mar 27 2000 - 00:20:04 MST

'What is your name?' 'Technotranscendence.' 'Do you deny having written
the following?':

> Are there any web sites out there for people who share our vision of
> technology, but who don't share our political vision -- and who are what we
> would classify as fascists or something along those lines? Sort of like the
> skinheads, only pro-technoprogress, life extension, space colonization,
> nanotechnology?

Frankly, though I wish it weren't the case, I don't think there's any
correlation b/w one's politics and one's views on technology. Frankly,
it's HARD to find fascists, even online. (Try it, and see.) It's also
hard to find people who are quite as pro-technology as your average
extropian, though that's substantially easier online. Nonetheless, in
light of this, I have thus far failed to find any explicitly
pro-technology fascist sites.

Of course, it's worthwhile pointing out that fascism is technically
authoritarianism + racism, a killer combo. The few fascist sites that I
could find would by and large focus more on the racism than the
totalitarianism. Unfortunately, simple totalitarians are even harder to
find than fascists, since they don't self-identify, like the racists do.

Do you look under communism? Many of those endorse anarchocommunism. (And
before any of you start, there IS a significant difference b/w
anarchocommunism and fascism. The one may entail the other, but if you
believe A, you don't necessarily believe B, even if A -> B is true.) Do
you look for supporters of a world government? Supporters of planned
societies? Heck, a search for most of these just turns up hits for sites
opposed to all of the above.


      -unless you love someone-
    -nothing else makes any sense-
           e.e. cummings

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