Re: a to-do list for the next century

From: Robin Hanson (
Date: Sun Mar 26 2000 - 18:05:58 MST

Natasha Vita-More wrote:

> >Lots of betting on technology questions is the best way
> >I know to improve how we learn about new technologies;
> Technology questions for what outcome? [e.g.] communication,

> transportion, life extension.

I had in mind any all all outcomes of interest.

> You do agree with me that cryonics and uploading are part of extreme

> life extension and viable investments.


> If medicine includes the sciences and technologies that keeps
> someone from dying, I do not think it a waste. Medicine functions as a
> safety net to keep us alive and kicking.

Yes of course the goal of not dying is great. The question is whethermedicine
is actually of much use in reaching that goal. The evidence
I see is not encouraging in this regard. We had a long conversation
here on this topic a month or so ago.

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