Re: a to-do list for the next century

From: Emlyn, onetel (
Date: Sat Mar 25 2000 - 22:58:47 MST

Obviously, we can solve the alleged population problem and life extension
research funding problem by using humans and some form of fusion as power
generators, by sticking them in pods full of pink goo with lots of grody
looking cables hanging off them. As long as we give this task to the big
battery companies, the life extension problem will become a race to increase
working battery life.

(That damned matix movie... it's what you get if you start with the premise
"What if the Energizer Bunny became sentient and decided to enslave

>>Don't get me wrong. I wish there was a bunch more research being done on
>>nano, cryo and immortality. But the only way to get funding for such
>>research is to convince people that there money is better spent there than
>>somewhere else. I just think we're going to have a heck of a time
>>convincing people of that as long as there are things to spend money on
>>feeding, healing and improving the standard of living of the 6 billion
>>people we already share this planet with.

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