Re: Oh Joy, technophobia is still spreading

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Sat Mar 25 2000 - 00:51:48 MST

Technotranscendence wrote:
> On Friday, March 24, 2000 4:59 AM Robert J. Bradbury
> wrote:
> > > It's also amazing how a few DoS attacks are making some of the elite try
> to
> > > get everyone into a panic, when the actual victims of the attack have
> > > learned and moved on. It sounds more to me like the Media -- including
> > > ZDNet -- are trying to rouse us all into supporting some sort of large
> scale
> > > government intervention in internet commerce.

I've come to the conclusion that ZDnet is nothing but the propaganda
organ of
techno-fascists. Remember, they were the ones hyping the NC so much a
few years ago,
until I suggested that too many underpowered machines in offices would
likely increase
the rate of postal episodes at work...

Mike Lorrey

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