nano-assembly and computing

From: matthew gream (
Date: Fri Mar 24 2000 - 08:28:33 MST

I am wondering about something, as part of thinking about another problem. Perhaps this has been considered, but I am unenlightened, so a helpful reference would be gratefully accepted.

Parallel to the development of nano-tech assemblers are quantum computing systems. I am wondering whether it is expected, or feasible, for nano-tech assemblers to create quantum computers ?

For example, quantum computers could be created as stand alone entities in themselves, or they could be embedded within other media/materials.

In the latter case, consider the development of a reconfigurable life form, where the operating intelligence is distributed throughout the material. There is no central brain, as there is with existing life forms. This is Terminator 2 imagery obviously, but the science fiction looks like it could be created by the reality of nano-tech assembly and quantum computing.

Is it a plausible argument to make ?



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