Re: Oh Joy, technophobia is still spreading

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Thu Mar 23 2000 - 22:49:10 MST

Zero Powers wrote:
> "Normally, I dismiss doomsday warnings. But not from a genius. And from an
> industry magnate. And from the leader of the free world.
> Some of the smartest, most important people in the world think our society
> is at risk from technology. Here are reasons they're running scared..."

If anyone has any photographs of any of these new Luddite leaders,
please send me files. I am planning a new series of artwork that I am
calling "The New Hate", and plan on featuring the faces of many so
called leaders who use fear and hate to gain and maintain their power. I
plan on putting Bill Joy, Ted Kazynski, and a few others in one work
called "The Luddites".

Mike Lorrey

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