Re: FreeNet downside

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Thu Mar 23 2000 - 15:33:11 MST

Zero Powers wrote:
> >From: "Robert J. Bradbury" <>
> >
> >ABC News has a report on the downside of systems like FreeNet
> >being used by criminals, hackers, etc.
> >
> >See:
> >
> >
> >So, you clever folks, how do you give freedom to the oppressed
> >with out giving unintended aid to the undesirables?
> As I've said before, privacy is a thing of the present, not of the future.
> I'm sure it will take quite some time for everyone to get on board, but the
> only way to real freedom is mutually assured surveillance. Anonymity is
> worthless to most law abiding citizens. As fewer legal things become
> "taboo" anonymity will be completely worthless, except to criminals. It's
> not Orwellian at all. It's me watching you watching me watching Big Brother
> watching us all.

Big Borther, and all of your neighbors, are watching you....Now you
really feel free now, right? "Slavery is freedom." Yup thats 'real
freedom' alright.

 Prisoners obey the law because they are in prison, not because it is
virtuous to do so. Treating everyone like a prisoner means the death of
freedom, not 'real freedom'. Once nobody cares what is virtuous behavior
in themselves or others, what makes you think that they will care who is
watching them as they do anything they want to? At that point, the only
thing keeping the average person in a law abiding state is the threat of
instant police action.

Mike Lorrey

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