Re: a to-do list for the next century

From: Stirling Westrup (
Date: Thu Mar 23 2000 - 05:35:27 MST

Zero Powers wrote:

> >From: "Stirling Westrup" <>
> >
> >5) Start a chain of 'real food' restaurants. Nothing but real butter,
> >whole grain breads and pastas, grain-fed free range beef and chicken, all
> >with as little chemical forcing as possible. Let people discover what food
> >used to taste like.
> Visit California sometime. There are bunches of such joints out here.

The last time I was in California was two years ago. I couldn't wait to
get home to somewhere where the little tubs of cream that you got with
your coffee didn't have 45 ingredients. Oh, there was the occasional
bright spot like a wonderful little do-it-themselves ice cream parlour in
Costa Mesa, but there was nowhere I went where 'bread' meant whole grain
and 'butter' didn't mean margarine.

On the other hand, there were some wonderful health-food stores. I just
didn't find any restaurants to match.

 Stirling Westrup  |  Use of the Internet by this poster       |  is not to be construed as a tacit
                   |  endorsement of Western Technological
                   |  Civilization or its appurtenances.

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