Re: near anything boxes allowed to br in the hands of the public?

From: KPJ (
Date: Thu Mar 23 2000 - 04:08:29 MST

It appears as if <> wrote:

|Anyone ever hear of an invention by an Australian Physicist who invented a
+ hand held "rifle" called Metal Storm? This is/was an electo-static gun that
+ pushed out (potentially) 100,000 fleshettes per minute. Kind of like dozen
+ Vulcan Mini-guns in a soldier's hand. Or is it just a quicker way to perform
+ massacres in the Balkans or Rwanda or California?

Australian Defence & Science Organization (DSTO)
writes the technology "enables construction of guns capable of firing more
than one million rounds per minute":

              Media Release, 17 November 1997
   Minister for Defence Industry, Science and Personnel
            The Hon. Bronwyn Bishop MP

 Australia encourages inventor of revolutionary
                gun technology

A revolutionary rapid-fire gun invented in Australia may have
greater potential for development in this country with the signing
of a Department of Defence Industry, Alliance, the Minister for
Defence Industry, Science and Personnel, Bronwyn Bishop, said

The industry alliance, signed today between the Defence Science
and Technology Organisation (DSTO) and Metal Storm Pty Ltd,
enables closer consultation and communication between both

Metal Storm's new gun technology enables construction of guns
capable of firing more than one million rounds per minute - a
much higher rate of fire than conventional rapid-fire weapons

"There will be greater opportunity for joint Australian-US
development of the technology because of the DSTO agreement
with Metal Storm Pty. There already appears to be strong interest
in this invention from the United States defence industry", Mrs
Bishop said.

"The industry alliance will enable DSTO more readily to assess the
potential of the Metal Storm technology for defence applications,
including those most relevant to the needs of the Australian
Defence Force."

The alliance will also allow the Metal Storm company better
access to DSTO's in-depth knowledge of Defence and defence

Metal Storm is the first entirely electronically operated ballistics
system, and the first which fires without the mechanical
operations of conventional guns. Multiple barrels can be closely
packed together to provide simple yet high performance weapons
with an infinitely variable rate of fire.

The weapon's inventor and managing director of Metal Storm Pty
Ltd, Mr Mike O'Dwyer, of Brisbane, has demonstrated Metal
Storm to United States defence companies.

The head of DSTO, Chief Defence Scientist Dr Richard
Brabin-Smith, signed the alliance on behalf of the
Commonwealth, and Mr O'Dwyer on behalf of Metal Storm Pty

Further Information:

Ministerial - Jennifer Eddy 0416 266 120
DSTO - Stephen Butler 08 8259 5036
Metal Storm Pty Ltd 07 3279 5918


The Metal Storm weapon is pre-loaded with multiple rounds in
each barrel and can achieve rates of fire as high as 45,000 rounds
per minute per barrel. Concept demonstration weapons have up
to 36 barrels and are currently designed to fire 9mm rounds at a
muzzle velocity of approximately 300 metres per second.

An industry alliance is a specific agreement between DSTO and a
company (or cluster of companies) which is designed to enhance
communication between DSTO and industry over a long-term
period, usually three to five years. The improved communication
may lead to opportunities for early industry involvement in DSTO
research activities, for DSTO support to initiatives taken within
industry, and also to increase Defence awareness and
enhancement of Australian industry capabilities.

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