Re: Need Cancer Treatments

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Wed Mar 22 2000 - 21:43:03 MST

>Hey Everyone
> My sister has breast cancer and now it's spread to her ribs and
>the spine and the doctor says the clock is really ticking now so we're
>looking for any kind of last hope here some kind of experimental treatment
>something. Does anyone know of ANYTHING that can help us out here?
>Something that may offer some hope. One last Hail Mary. Any information
>will be *greatly* appreciated.
> Thank You So Much To Anyone Who Contributes, Eric

Sounds like your sister is beyond the help of "traditional medicine." As
such, the only thing I can think of that *might* help would be "faith
healing." Although I can't come up with a scientific explanation for it, I
do believe that the body has the power to heal itself if the person
sufficiently believes it. Check out these sites. And good luck.


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