Robert Bradbury, dragonrider of Earth!

From: john grigg (
Date: Wed Mar 22 2000 - 15:25:39 MST

Robert Bradbury writes:
If my next company is really successful and the costs of genome sequencing
come down a bit more, I just may be able to pull this off by the time I'm

Sounds great to me! How smart will your dragon be? Will it be able to
speak? Will it have the Tolkinesque obsession with hording shiny objects?
Will I get to ride it?

How do you plan to explain it to the Federal authorities and Jeremy Rifkin?
They will be chasing you and your pet dragon in their helicopters as you try
to escape!

Or will your gene sequencing company established in a more open nation? I
would like to place an advance order now for a copy of the creature that the
boy befriended in the _Neverending Story_.


John Grigg :)

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