Weather Control and longevity, was Re: spike gets life extension

Date: Wed Mar 22 2000 - 14:14:12 MST

I'm pretty far behind on extropians, but still slogging through it. For
those of you who are up-to-date, I'm responding to something Robert
Bradbury wrote 3 weeks ago.

Last on his list of 10 breakthroughs we need for longevity was Weather
Control. Robert, how did that make the list? Why will that have enough
effect that it deserves a place on the list right after Nanomedicine?

Chris said:
> The key breakthroughs we need are:
> - reduce cancer mortality
> (looks like we get that with angiogenesis inhibitors)
> - general replacement organs (next 10 years or so)
> - drugs to inhibit brain damage during strokes/heart attacks
> - reversing protein glycosylation damage (drugs undergoing tests now)
> - a good understanding of all growth factors (5-10 years)
> - understanding the molecular biology of aging (5-15 years)
> - understanding the causes for and developing cures for genetic
> diseases (10-20 years)
> - Safer cars, guns & other hazards (ongoing).
> - Nanomedicine (20-30 years)
> - Weather control (???)

 Chris Hibbert
 650 941 8224

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