Re: Robot Wars -- time for a hardcore version?

Date: Mon Mar 20 2000 - 22:44:35 MST

In a message dated 03/20/2000 6:36:27 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> John Grigg, I'm a software guy, not a hardware guy; I don't even install
> my own computer upgrades. And I have practiced no martial art
> whatsoever since the age of, oh, about eleven or so. Tone it down a
> little. I'm good at what I do, but I don't do everything.
> --
> Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
> Member, Extropy Institute
> Senior Associate, Foresight Institute
When has Mr. Grigg ever been anything but considerate in his posts? On the
other hand we could all take a lesson from Beldar Conehead; "maintain low
tones human, low tones!"

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