choosing a strategy for survival

From: john grigg (
Date: Mon Mar 20 2000 - 14:36:49 MST

Stirling Westrop:
Yeah. Choosing a strategy for survival is tough. All I can think of to do is
to study as many relevant fields of knowledge as I can, so that I will at
least be well informed of my options at each point along the way.- --

I remember the post Mike Darwin put here awhile back. He talked about how
we love to talk about all the different matters that interest us but when
mortality comes knocking at our individual door we are scared silly. Then
it is not about the 'end of the world' but 'the end of us.'

So if as individuals we want to make it we should be focusing alot more on
relevant fields like life-extension (basic and advanced) and also cryonics
because not everyone here is young enough to be sure of gaining enough
'extended lifespan' to fend off death indefinitely.

Are we eating right and getting enough exercise? Are we having routine
physicals? Do we all have life insurance policies in place so we can at
least get a cryonics policy should we want one later on? Sudden chronic
illness can make getting life insurance go from 'no problem' to 'permanently
out of luck.' These are very basic things that matter alot.


John Grigg
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