Re: Waco Test Shows "OBVIOUS GUNFIRE"

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Mon Mar 20 2000 - 14:06:30 MST

Joe Dees wrote:

> >Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 00:10:42 -0800
> >From: James Swayze <>
> >To:
> >Subject: Re: Waco Test Shows "OBVIOUS GUNFIRE"
> >Reply-To:

> The test actually works AGAINST the agent-firing hypothesis, as in the FLIR recreation, people are visible next to all the fired weapons, whereas in the original FLIR, no contiguous people are visible. Guns do not kill people unless other people are firing them, and such people being visible in EVERY instance of the "recreational" gunfire, but in NO instance of the original glints, the test results do not bode well for the contentions of the Branch Davidians' attorney that such glints represent gunfire.

Not necessarily. Keep in mind that the special forces personnel wear clothing that is not only camouflaged, but contains no fluorescent dyes or starches (clothes that are washed in normal detergent, manufactured for normal use, or are pressed at laundomats are filled with dies and starches which show up on FLIR quite nicely, the primary reason they don't allow such treatments and materials in special forces units). The visibility of the people you see in the FLIR film for the test is directly because of the
use of dyes and starches in their clothing. I hope that someone involved in the debate makes note of this... this should have been expected and taken care of in preparation for the tests.

Michael S. Lorrey
Owner, Lorrey Systems
Director, Grafton County Fish & Game Assoc.
Member, Extropy Institute
Member, National Rifle Association
"Live Free or Die, Death is not the Worst of Evils."
                  - General John Stark

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