What extropians do when they go out on the town!!

From: john grigg (starman125@hotmail.com)
Date: Mon Mar 20 2000 - 13:38:14 MST

Spike wrote:
I suspect there might be several local extropian minded types that make the
scene for this. Its on a Saturday, so afterwards maybe we can go do one of
the local eating establishments or something, or if its your pleasure get
into a bar fight. I volunteer to be the designated non-combatant, drive the
getaway car, provide the bandages, etc.

I had no idea what a rough and tumble group of people the extropians were up
close! Why don't we just drive our hogs to the nearest biker bar(while
wearing our official Extropy Institute black leather jackets) and discuss
the our technophile enthusiasms with the local gentlemen there. Surely, if
a fight breaks out we will find our 'superior intelligence' makes us better
combatants! lol! I'm sure Eliezer or someone here has created a martial art
that makes karate pale by comparison! We just need it instantly downloaded
into our brains at the moment of crisis. ;)

I'm glad to hear Spike that you abhor violence and simply want to be a
support to your fellow human beings. Will you be wearing official Red Cross
markings so you are known as a noncombatant? Of course, doing this may not
guarantee your physical safety! :) Perhaps having extropian women around
would result in a 'leavening influence' upon the rowdy males!

best regards,

John Grigg
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