Domestic Partners vs. Human Rights [was: The lowest form of ...]

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Mon Mar 20 2000 - 11:15:05 MST

On Mon, 20 Mar 2000, Michael S. Lorrey wrote:

> I don't know how much those of you else where, especially on the left coast,
> have heard about the landmark new domestic partners bill just passed by the
> Vermont Legislature.

My interest in this is the opposite directions that Vermont and California
seem to be going in. This would seem to give us a preview of the potential
"enclaves" that may develop in terms of use of nanotech, biotech, medtech,
privacy, etc. The question becomes -- would the people in Vermont view
the situation in California as a sufficient violation of human rights
as to go to war over it? Or is it entirely in the legal/governmental

Perhaps its a good thing that Vermont & California are on opposite coasts.

It is however, completely suprising to me (as a conservative "Yankee"),
that *Vermont* is going to the liberal side and those wacky Californians
are going to the conservative side of this debate.

Can the non-U.S. members of the list weigh in on trends in their countries?


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