Re: American Imperialism?

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Sun Mar 19 2000 - 20:03:12 MST

Robert Owen wrote:
> Michael S Lorrey wrote:
> > You are automatically assuming that the original works of the artist
> > were a clear perspective. Orwell never spent any time in a communist
> > nation, he only knew what he heard by hanging out with the Cambridge
> > bred aristo-communists popular in Britain in the 30's. Ask Sasha
> > Chislenko what he thinks...
> Without taking any stand on the politics of the case, I must say, Mike,
> that the phenomenon you describe can be hilarious. While a graduate
> student my favorite chess opponent had inherited enough money to have
> just about anything he wanted (except perpetual victory, of course)
> including a live-in femme fatale whom I considered the most beautiful
> woman in the world. A propos of nothing, her name was "Polly Parrot".
> Naturally I was in love with her. "It's just his MONEY" I told myself
> over and over again. Perhaps it was.
> But my chess friend was a fanatical, card-carrying, belligerent and
> "imperialistic" COMMUNIST.

Chicks love rich commies.... ;)

Mike Lorrey

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