Re: American Imperialism?

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Sun Mar 19 2000 - 20:08:12 MST

At 11:30 AM 19/03/00 -0800, Jeff Davis wrote:

>The US sends "foreign aid" to lots of countries. Often this is in the form
>of a line of credit for american infrastructure builders and armaments
>manufacturers. (And you thought it was for food, clothing, medical care,
>and education. Yeah, right!) [...]The American people, mostly under the
>mistaken impression that it was some kind of international charity program,
>were pressuring the pols for cutbacks. The pols, however, knew that it was
>really a way of controlling access to markets and resources[...]
>Needless to say, the "foreign aid" did not stop.)

To those outside the USA, this is transparently obvious, and bleakly
hilarious. I'm glad to see somebody here joining the dots. I don't suppose
this insight should offend too many American extropians, who are pretty
cynical about realpolitik, but I suspect it might do so.

Damien [from a cowed client state]

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