Re: American Imperialism?

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sun Mar 19 2000 - 16:33:01 MST

Robert Owen wrote:

> ment is perfectly correct when treated as legitimate hyperbole, or,
> if that displeases you, then as a sort of allegorical character like the
> figures in Orwell's "Animal Farm"...

There was a big article in the local paper the San Jose Mercury
this morning about an animated version of Animal Farm that
was made in the 1950s, where the ending was changed by the
CIA. The change altered the whole message Orwell was trying
for. In the final scene where the animals are looking back and
forth between the pigs and the humans it gets harder and harder
to tell them apart. According to the article, the CIA arranged
to alter that so it makes it clear that the pigs [commies] really
are the bad guys. spike

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