Re: Why the future needs everyone!

From: James Swayze (
Date: Sun Mar 19 2000 - 00:12:40 MST

Zero Powers wrote:

> Right now only the military and the police are allowed to have special
> weapons like fully automatic weapons. But if war were to break out between
> the police/national guard against the millions of legally armed folks in the
> US with their hunting rifles and pistols, my money would be on the poorly
> armed masses.
Well normally I would too but in this case the poorly armed masses have no
access to AWACS and it's brothers or the spy sat net or remote pilotless recon.
There may be a few thousand night vision equipped survivalists but not your
average Joe. Ammunition would be in short supply...surely to be targeted first
by ugly big brother. I think the only hope is the fact that I doubt the
Army/National guard would ever attack US citizens. They ARE US citizens after
all and their families would be at risk. If some wacko General tried to pull
something I'd look to see the military mutiny en masse.

I don't wish to challenge what your analogy was for just the analogy. I too
believe in the power of interconnected computing and I am a part of SETI via the
SETI@home project. Cheers! :)


"Quod de futuris non est determinata omnino veritas"
			    NOSTRADAMUS 15TH Century

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