Re: Vale, William Donald Hamilton, FRS (1936-2000)

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Sat Mar 18 2000 - 11:46:32 MST

On Sat, 18 Mar 2000, John Clark wrote:

> Damien Broderick <>
> > The great evolutionary theorist is dead.
> It's sad even if he did die a hero. Hamilton died in the line of duty for a
> knowledge worker, he died of malaria, contracted in Africa while doing
> field work.

Which is really sad, since the malaria genome will be finished in 1-2 years,
probably meaning in 5-10, that there will be really good treatments.
Timing, is as they say, everything.

And that is *why* there are certain parts of the world that I won't go
until either there are good treatments for the local illnesses or
the politics change to make things much safer.


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