Re: [GUNS] Re: g*n c*ntr*l

From: Joe Dees (
Date: Fri Mar 17 2000 - 18:33:11 MST

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) >Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 18:41:27 -0500
>From: "Michael S. Lorrey" <>
>Subject: Re: [GUNS] Re: g*n c*ntr*l
>Joe Dees wrote:
>> >Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 16:43:01 -0500
>> >From: "Michael S. Lorrey" <>
>> >To:
>> >Subject: Re: [GUNS] Re: g*n c*ntr*l
>> >Reply-To:
>> >
>> >Joe Dees wrote:
>> >>
>> >> >Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 08:52:12 -0800 (PST)
>> >> >From: Brian D Williams <>
>> >> >To:
>> >> >Subject: [GUNS] Re: g*n c*ntr*l
>> >> >Reply-To:
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >From: "Joe E. Dees" <>
>> >> >
>> >> >>I don't give a rotten fig whether or not some nimrod doofus or
>> >> >>other killfiles me; when a comment appears on this list, it is to
>> >> >>the list at large, which exactly for whom my reply is intended.
>> >> >
>> >> >As yesterdays post made clear, everything you've been ranting about
>> >> >is already existing federal law. You have been attacking a
>> >> >strawman, your argument is exposed, and you are finished.
>> >> >
>> >> >Expressing your opinions is one thing, name-calling of list members
>> >> >is another, and I believe prohibited. While "nimrod" is actually a
>> >> >compliment (in the bible Nimrod was a nephew of Noah, and a
>> >> >renowned hunter) I doubt you were aware of that, and "doofus"
>> >> >clearly is not a compliment.
>> >> >
>> >> >Hopefully you've earned yourself a vacation from this list.
>> >> >
>> >> >Regardless you're permanently >null.
>> >> >
>> >> Without a purchase-prohibited list, such laws are unenforceable. It makes no sense for a group to on one hand call for the enforcement of existing laws, and on the other hand, oppose the measure that would maks such enforcement possible, unless their true interest is not progress, but propagandizing and footdragging.
>> >
>> >And you've already been told that purchase-prohibited list databases are
>> >already used. It is called the NICS Insta-Check system, and its been in
>> >place for a couple years now. AND it was the NRA that made sure this
>> >system was developed. HCI didn't want it.
>> >
>> I call for the federal government to prosecute all cases where purchases are attempted by prohibited individuals, rather than just prosecuting the major cases and ceding the rest to the states, where they are frequently neglected, nulle prossed or otherwise ignored due to differing political climates and lack of prison space. If this requires us to release nonviolent drug offenders to make room in our prisons, I'm all for it, and will feel safer once we institute same.
>A very good suggestion. One that I've made several times. However, we
>don't put people in prison to feel safe, but to be safe. One of the
>problems in the way society treats the gun issue is because they don't
>care or understand about actually being safe, they just want to feel
I think that all sides of this issue are prone to this same illegitimate substitution, and that those who don't feel safe unless they're packing, and feel that they have to keep regulations so lax that criminals can get easily hold of guns just so they won't worry about losing theirs, commit the same error, and are in fact less safe because of it.

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