I found another site... [was Re: CyberPatrol (Censorware) Sues Reverse-Engineers]

From: Ziana Astralos (zianastralos@yahoo.com)
Date: Fri Mar 17 2000 - 13:23:31 MST

> On 17 Mar 2000, Anders Sandberg wrote:
> > I downloaded the software from
> >
> > mainly as a matter of principle.
--- "Robert J. Bradbury" <bradbury@aeiveos.com> wrote:
> Aha, similar minds...

Yeah, like DeCSS-- I don't even have a DVD player, but
this way it will never be *completely* "extinct" :)

--- "Robert J. Bradbury" <bradbury@aeiveos.com> wrote:
> Actually Anders, it looks like this link
> disappeared. If anyone can find it, please post a
> the *URL*.

How's this?
It's been there for nearly a year!! (Since 9 June

If you go up a directory, they also have instructions
on disabling three other popular filtering programs
(CYBERsitter, Net Nanny, and SurfWatch) there... and
they have a lot more, also-- just take a look at the
main page, http://peacefire.org/ , for a list of all
of them. Boy wouldn't the CyberPatrol people (not to
mention the other companies) be pissed about *this*
site if they thought 'cphack' was that bad!! :) lol

Also on their main page, is info and a link (on-site,
still working!) for the latest CyberPatrol thing, from
that Swedish guy. Some other interesting privacy- and
filtering-related stuff here, also.

| Ziana Astralos |
| zianastralos@yahoo.com |
| http://www.anzwers.net/free/tech |
| |
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| P+ L W+++ N+ w+ M-- PS+++ PE Y+ |
| PGP-- t+ 5++ X R tv+ b+++ DI++++ |
| D+ G++ e- h!>++ !r y- |

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