Re: Sun's Tech Chief Has His Head Up His Ass

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Fri Mar 17 2000 - 07:36:26 MST

Robert Owen wrote:

> Michael S Lorrey wrote:
> > What stumbles occured with nuclear power? Even counting Chernobyl (more
> > a result of socialism than nuclear technology) and the two bombs dropped
> > on Japan there are still fewer people killed by nuclear technology in
> > its entire history than are killed every year by the pollution of coal
> > burning technology, and coal burning plants put more radioactive
> > materials into the environment every day than the entire US nuclear
> > industry has released in its history. While some countries are shutting
> > down their nuclear plants, they are increasing output at their coal
> > plants, and are buring lower quality coal than ever before. China burns
> > coal for most of its capacity that is so dirty that it would be criminal
> > to burn here in the US.
> Tightly reasoned, Michael; would you agree that what is needed is
> greatly increased funding for research aimed at BOTH non-nuclear
> AND non-combustible energy generation that was cost-effective
> and bio-safe?

If the technology fits within the current economic range of cost effectiveness,
yes. Making people switch from an energy source that costs $0.05 per kWh to a
source that costs $0.50 per kWh is not only just cruel, but its very stupid and
causes actually MORE pollution in the end. (experienced energy analyst here).

> In the meantime, I am inclined to agree with you that an objective
> risk-benefit comparative analysis of our current leading technologies
> suggests a rational preference for nuclear power.

Thats the problem, isn't it? Expecting people to be rational.

Michael S. Lorrey
Member, Extropy Institute
Member, National Rifle Association
"Live Free or Die, Death is not the Worst of Evils."
                  - General John Stark

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