I have seen the show _God, the Devil and Bob_

From: john grigg (starman125@hotmail.com)
Date: Thu Mar 16 2000 - 16:27:25 MST

Spike wrote:
NBC BOYCOTT GROWS: Seventeen NBC affiliates representing more than 4percent
of the U.S. are now preempting the controversial prime-time cartoon God,the
Devil and Bob, Variety reports. "What's real troubling to me is the
discomfort that people have with their own religion in terms of being afraid
to examine it, open it up," says executive producer Harvey Myman.

Having seen the pilot episode I can say that the irony is that this show
would be found to be quite good and not 'heretical' if people would just
tune in and see for themselves!

God, who is in the form of Jerry Garcia, is very laid back but still rather
strict upon closer examination and not too far from the mainstream Christian
view of him!

Satan, is a weasily liar and deceiver who will torture and take advantage
whenever the opportunity arises. God is rather gifted in the show at
putting him in his place! Part of the shows fun is seeing how this is done.

Bob is no Job, that is for sure! He has a good heart but lives for fun and
is often sorely tempted. He has a wife and teen daughter that he does love
deeply but is sometimes at a loss on how to deal with them.

It's a good show and I recommend it to all of you. If they keep up the
story quality it will hopefully do well. Check it out.


John Grigg
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