GOV/PRV: Einstein an anarchist?

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Thu Mar 16 2000 - 05:07:26 MST

Slashdot had a pointer to the FBI site where they have the
FBI files for a number of famous people "public" (probably
was a huge financial drain to keep filling the Freedom of
Information Act requests). See:

Now the interesting thing is Einstein's file:

A quick perusal indicates that an organization I'm unfamiliar
with (The Woman Patriot Organization) tried to prevent Einstein
from being admitted to the U.S. on the basis that he supported
anarchy. Apparently, the total file is 1427 pages!!!

An interesting site for you government & freedom buffs.
Might get you talking about something *other* than your
your current focus.

Makes me wonder if I have a file, or if requesting it
(if its empty) would make them start one.


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