Re: live forever!

From: James Swayze (
Date: Wed Mar 15 2000 - 16:25:02 MST


I tried to find your book this week at Barnes & Noble. They said it wouldn't be
in till May. Where can I find it now?


Damien Broderick wrote:
> I can't help passing along something a US pal sent me, from the latest
> revision of Arthur C. Clarke's wonderful pop sci book PROFILES OF THE
> FUTURE. I read it when I was a sprat, not long after it came out in 1961 or
> thereabouts, and was utterly dazzled. You can imagine how chuffed I am to
> hear that the 1999 revision contains this comment:
> ================
> pages 189-190:
> (In *The Last Mortal Generation* (1999), the Australian polymath and science
> fiction writer Damien Broderick has suggested that immortality is not
> merely desirable--but inevitable. My recommendation of this truly
> mind-stretching book was not in the least affected by its dedication: "For
> Arthur C. Clarke, who profiled the future and dreamed of advanced sciences
> indistinguishable from magic.")
> ========================
> So there you are, sports fans - the way to the hearts of the famous is via
> a well-pitched grovelling dedication in yr next book. :)
> Damien
> [polymath my foot, when I can't even stop Eudora 4.3 from locking up my
> screen repeatedly]

"Quod de futuris non est determinata omnino veritas"
			    NOSTRADAMUS 15TH Century

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