Re: mitochondria and aging

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Tue Mar 14 2000 - 23:09:16 MST

> We were debating discontinuing the effort when the
> > only practical way into their mesa, an airplane, was stolen... spike
> >
> Robert J. Bradbury wrote:
> Spike, Spike, Spike, you just gotta get a script writer. This has
> the same tragico-comedic line of several other films situated in
> Mexico, "Dawn of the Dead" and "Desperado".

The strange part is I cut to the chase without covering the human
drama angle. This particular band of Juichals was contacted in
1969 by a young couple who had managed to get back there
with mules carrying supplies, medicines and knowledge of
the outside world. On a third trip back there 2 yrs later, the
couple was set upon by theives who were evidently disappointed
that most of the cargo was books. They shot the husband, raped
and shot the wife, left them for dead, but both were still alive.
The young lady managed to get help and they retrieved her husband
but he perished soon afterwards. Her testimony in the states
started the effort to help this particular isolated people, but
as bad luck would have it, the original pair were Catholic
missionaries, so... she insisted that the Juichals not be given
birth control devices. And so it goes.

Robert, do those movies you mentioned base their story lines on
the actual indigenous people of Mexico?

Heeeyyyyy, now that you mention it, your comment has me
thinking. Do you suppose we benefactors were hoodwinked?
Could the whole story have been just made up? I have seen
photos of the missionary with the Juichals, but now that I
think it over, it *could* have all been a trick to extract
lots of American dollars from trusting do-gooders. Man what
a scam that would be! She could take the story to a number
of *different* groups which knew not each other and perhaps
had no contact with each other, collect big bucks from
each and... {8^D haaaa! If we were all scammed, the whole
adventure is funny enough I wouldnt begrudge her my
donation, just for being able to relate the story.

The more I think of it the more the whole notion grows on
me. We were ripe for a con. As far as I know here is a
system totally without checks and balances. She never
actually *showed* us the scar from the bullet. There is no
way we could know for sure, but we might have been taken
in by the fact that this benefactress wasnt *asking* for
much: just some medicine, sanitary supplies etc, nothing
very expensive, but if one were to perpetrate a con, this
is exactly how one would set it up! For you see, it requires
an airplane to get into this rugged country, and that is
where all the bucks went and now the airplane is gone, and
those evil drug dealers of course are surely to blame!
Robert! We were so unskeptical! I think we've been had!
Haaaa! hahahahah! spike {8^D

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