Re: more fascist frothing

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Tue Mar 14 2000 - 10:43:03 MST

>From: Anton Sherwood <>
>Okay, I confess, every time I take public transport and have a gun with
>me, I imagine what I might do if that creep from the Long Island
>Railroad were to appear. And sometimes I fantasize about getting the
>drop on Gianluigi Ferri, who shot eight people in the building where I
>now work (a year before I started there). Guess that makes me one sick
>fuck, eh?

*You* might say that. I must confess that every time I take public
transport I imagine what I nice way to travel it would be if I didn't have
to worry about somebody sitting next to me with a cannon in his pocket
fantasizing about the _Dirty Harry_ movie he watched last night.


"I like dreams of the future better than the history of the past"
--Thomas Jefferson

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