Re: Sun's Tech Chief Has His Head Up His Ass

Date: Tue Mar 14 2000 - 10:08:48 MST

In a message dated 03/14/2000 11:07:01 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> HUMANITY FIRST! We are capable of creating a technological/biological/
> neurological utopia in the next century. We already have the capability of
> destroying all life. What does it say of us as a species if we don't
> the former?
I read the article (at work) monday night in Wired. I suppose the whole
purpose of the article was not to fall into techno-optimism/pomposity such as
what happended with the "nuclear age". I bring that up since that example
was used heavilly in the Wired article, which featured Sun's founder; who
cautioned against such stumbles in genetics and nano. Now we go back to
asking; if we don't promote bio and nano, and Others do we will still suffer
the grey goo blues, without any green goo bennies, because we will have
vacated a leadership position.

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